Thursday, July 22, 2010

Reflection Seven

Digital story telling is a way that people get information across using technology such as computers. Digital storytelling is a whole new way of creativity. It allows you to use your mind in so many different ways. You are able to tell stories as you want them using pictures, graphics, your voice and other unique things. Using digital storytelling in the classroom is a great way to let children express themselves. It will introduce them to the world of creativity. Digital storytelling would be great to use on the first day of school. You can let children do this to tell things about themselves and use it to share it with the class. This would make it easier for children to get to know one another. Digital storytelling is a great way for you to organize your thoughts and strong main points. It allows you to have the floor and share your ideas. Digital storytelling gives us a sense of identity because it allows us to really express ourselves in ways that we could have ever imagined. If you have ever been nervous to speak in front of a crowd then this is the time to let your voice be heard. Besides the pictures, your voice is the main thing that brings out the digital storytelling. It makes people become in awe not knowing that you really had a voice. Digital storytelling could also be used in seminars. It would bring lots of excitement to them and a more wide range of creativity. You can use them to create lesson plans because I feel that digital storytelling is very detailed. It gets straight to the point in so many ways. You can use it introduce new lessons and activities to students. When you use music and clips it brings liveliness to the presentation. Digital storytelling can be unlimited on minutes. But I say the shorter it is and the more graphics and clips, it becomes better over time. It is a great way of organization when it comes to telling your life story. It allows you to input your most important point’s .I personally would incorporate digital storytelling in everything that I do because it would be most useful to me in the classroom setting. But before you do your digital storytelling, you should plan it out first so that you want make any mistakes. Know what it is that you want to say and what type of pictures and clips you would like to add on to it. It is good to be completely organized before you do it. Digital storytelling is great.

Reflection Eight

My educational philosophy tells a lot about myself and how I view the world when it comes to the learning process. I perceive myself as an individual who looks at learning as an open thing. Any and everyone can learn as long as they are open to it. The mind is a very strong thing and can be controlled by organizing the things that we allow ourselves to accept. My highest score on the philosophy test was in the section of progressive education. Basically with progressive education, a person believes that we as humans learn better when we are in a social environment. I can truly agree with that because I know that problem solving plays a big role in our learning ability. We as people must come to a conclusion somehow and allow ourselves to be open to anything that can possibly come our way. We move on scientific bases. We go through problem solving to a hypothesis and then finally arriving to a conclusion. When we have real life situations it allows us to make better decisions in life instead of just openly guessing. Within the educational system I strongly believe that we must allow students to go through these things on their own. But first as an instructor, you must teach them the proper way to go about these things and how to arrive at the situation making it well enough to test it out. Once that is done, as the teacher you let them venture out and join in on the social world, allowing them to become as a part of the learning society. My lowest score was in the section of perennialism. A person who scores high in perennialism feels that the most important things that are taught first plays a big role in people’s lives. That is something that I disagree with because not everything that people see as important is important to others. I can remember some of the things taught to me in school as a child that teachers greatly emphasized on. As I look back on those things today, I can say that none of the things that my teachers taught influenced nor had any type of impact on my life. Yet it gave me an open mind to create my own opinions on the subject of “importance”. Yes it may influence some but I truly know that it does not influence all. But things like that as a child goes in one ear and out of the other. That’s why I think it is important to know yourself and trust in your mind and in your knowledge of information. Only you and what you have gained in your social knowledge can create and direct your path.

Reflection six

A telecollaborative lesson is a lesson that a teacher arranges for students to connect with other students via internet. Telecollaborative lesson allows students to connect all over the world. It allows students to share the lives of others and it gives them the opportunity to learn new things. In a world that we now live in today, I think that telecollaborative lessons are good. Children of today take so many things for granted and should be shown a different world outside of their own. I, personally think that children should do telecollaborative lessons with children who live in pooper countries. That way children can see what the less fortunate go through and to understand that they should be thankful for what they have. As a future educator, I strongly believe that the telecollaborative lesson should be included in the lesson plan before the year is out. It would have a great impact on children to see what another place experiences. The students can get together in small groups and discuss their emotions and feelings about their new findings on other children around the world. I think that the teacher should take time out to do a discussion period when working with a telecollaborative lesson. It allows the teacher to see what effect the telecollaborative lesson had on the children. When children are shown things such as other children their age going through poverty and so much more, then it usually affects them in a good and positive way. Once teachers place students in a group, they should conduct research and learn more on the certain country used for the telecollaborative lesson. Also students should be allowed to ask questions to the students via internet because I feel by them asking the questions themselves it gives them a sense of feeling that only that particular person can understand. The research will further their knowledge on that country and students should take that information both research and through the telecollaborative, and share it with other students throughout the school. It is a good way to pass the message on to others, if there is a lesson that students have learned. After the telecollaborative lesson is finished I think it will be good for students to write a paper to see if maybe some of the students have changed their ways or habits due to lesson of this project. Get students involved in activities such as fundraisers or food drives to help them make a difference.

Reflection Five

When students come together to work on a project, assignment, etc that is know as collaborative learning. The whole point in collaborative learning is for students to work in teams. Collaborative groups are much bigger in numbers as far as group size then cooperative groups. With cooperative learning, students work in teams except the fact that the work is graded on a separate student basis. That is one thing that is different about cooperative and collaborative learning. It’s all about a team process that takes place in cooperative learning. By working in teams of small numbers, you are able to learn from your peers. You are able to help each other, with each person providing a little of some sort of different information. Just as in regular groups, work should be divided equally among students, each getting a fair portion. I feel that cooperative and collaborative learning are very good to use in the classroom. It allows children to explore the world around them and to learn more about themselves. It also opens up something new for teachers because it allows teachers to know more about their students. If there isn’t any teamwork in cooperative or collaborative learning, then the project or assignment will not be of whole. It would be all over the place, scattered with different ideas and different concepts that send the entire project into a different direction. Another reason why these two types of learning are good is because it builds and enhances student’s social skills. In group projects, students have to talk. They have to talk whether they are coming up with a topic, assigning certain parts of the project, or sharing research. Cooperative and collaborative learning is something I would use on the first day of school as far as social skills. On the first day of school, students are very shy towards each other often coming in uncomfortable because of the fact that they know that they don’t have friend just yet. So placing them in small groups will allow them to get to know each other and to find out new and interesting facts about their peers. It will give them a chance to open up not only to their peers but to their new surroundings and work environment. I believe that teachers has found things more easier when placing students in cooperative and collaborative groups and I believe that good grades in groups reflect that also.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

For Fredrico garcia lorca

Death of a loved one is one of the most tragic things that anyone can experience. It trully hurt the author when he lost his father. He didnt want to except the fact that his father was dead and that seems to happen to the best of us. We can never seem to understand when i'll loved ones leave us. Yet we continue to ask why, knowing that there is no logical explanation to our very question. But there is one thing that we will always hold on to and that is the memories of good times and happy moments. Yes the pain hurts and often feel like its killing us inside but sometimes crying is good. It relieves the soul of the pain and hurt. But eventually will get over the lost but we will never forget the memories of our loved ones.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Reflection Four

Inquiry based learning is learning that is taught to allow students to comprehend what it is that is going on in the learning environment or what it is that is being taught. Inquiry based learning let’s a child gain control and confidence on what it is that he/she is being taught. Questions tend to play a major role in inquiry based learning because a child is able to explore and understand before an answer is given. Yet it gives them the ability to use their brains and come up with answers on the subject. As a daycare teacher I remember that I used inquiry based learning but I had no clue that I was using it. Daycare children say the most spectacular things when arriving to an answer. To others it may have sounded like the craziest thing in the world but it made a lot of sense to me. Although their answer may not have been right, it showed me that they explored all of the other things around them. That basically sums of inquiry because the answer doesn’t have to be right, just as long as the student arrives to an answer and comprehends it. Now a days there is no more creative writing times in school that allows a child to explore their minds with questions that open their world

Reflection Three

A constructivist lesson plan is designed to allow a teacher to look back on what it is that they wanted to accomplish at the end of the day. While this lesson plan is designed with six parts, each part is different and serves a different purpose in its on way. These six parts are: situation, groupings, bridge, questions, exhibit and reflections. In situation, you are creating a problem where the students would be able to answer or participate in questioning. Just as an objective lesson plan, in the situation section you must say what it is that you would like for the student to complete. With groupings being the next section, it is divided up into two different parts. Part one is grouping students. Grouping students could either be done by putting them into small groups or allowing them to work on their own. Part two of groupings would be grouping in materials. Materials are arranged in ways so that the student will be able to describe and answer questions based on the situation. Bridge, the third section on the lesson plan is basically what the word means. A bridge is built by taking what the student already knows and putting it with what the teacher is going to provide. One of the good ways to do this is by getting the students involved by playing a game. After bridge, questions follow in the next section of the lesson plan. The good part about the question section is that it can be used through the whole day of the lesson. It challenges students and allows them to use their mind to breakthrough back to the situation section of the lesson plan. With bridge it is good to include all of the questions from the day’s work. The student then exhibits what it is that the teacher has assigned the group. This brings us to the following section. What ever the teacher has given the group whether it is a power point, a research paper, or a digital story, the group must then present their work showing what it is that they have found. The final part is the reflection. The reflection allows the teacher to see what it is the student has learned. The reflection includes questions that help the student to go into detail and discussion about what they have learned. It is basically like a review for the student to refresh their memory. As a future educator, I feel like the constructivist lesson plan is really good for grades six and up because it deals with groups and presentations.

For Black Arthur Blythe

Music...something that moves the very best in some of us. Music was the very calling that Arthur Blythe received. It was something that awoke him in his very soul. It was his music that he loved so much but yet he was tested. Pushed out into the world so that others can hear his music. But others rejected it. Rejected it because it was something that was different. Something that they were not use to. They were use to music that ranged from bop to latin. He listened but yet his music was what he chose.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

We cannot but chuse to hear

We cannot but chuse not to here...yet all of this time we as people have been stuck in our own ignorance. Allowing ourselves to be blind sided by only with what we want to see. This terrible oil spill has been one of the most horrific events that has happened in The United States so far. For Mother Nature will soon be no more because we choose to take her for granted instead of praising her for the centuries of goodness that she has brought forth.Yet it takes a situation as this one for people to realize how precious nature and the lives of animals are. Now everybody wants to rush to the rescue. But what about before that...when animals were being caught up in fishing wire and the various hunk of trash that were being thrown into their homes. Or when trash would wash up onto the shores of beaches. No one cared then so why are they starting to take action now? Only because this time the horrific event(oil Spill)can't be missed.It saddens me because it shouldn't take a terrible event such as the oil spill or even the earthquake in haiti for people to come together to make the world a better place and to appreciate mother nature a little more.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A mule of a different sort

This is a poem based on a woman who judges people based on what she believes. Allowing her ego and strong power of mind to set in, she makes consumptions on what she thinks she knows is true;which is everyone coming into Arizona who doesn't belong there are drug mules. Somewhat being compared as a psycho letting her mind escape into a world of disbelief and non-truth. Only seeing the world in rose colored lens glasses. Yet her eyesight is not clear,focused as to what reality really is. Yes, racism is still such a huge problem that we as people face in this world. Judging people first by the color of their skin and their racial background instead of who they really are. People are not really giving others a chance and allowing themselves to see others for who they are. We as people are one world,and although our skin may be different colors,we cannot allow ignorance and stupidity blind our judgment.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I loved this poem but yet it also saddened me. Sadden me because there are some things that we as people cannot control.Sometimes we choose not to come together and make things better which only makes things worst then what they are. War and sexual abuse on our women are starting to corrupt our world and in many places such as the one mention in the poem, there is nothing that can be done. But I am one who strongly believes in faith and I know that in due time justice will soon be shown.
Reflection Two

The behaviorist lesson plan and the constructivist lesson plan are just one of the many different lesson plans known in the world today. Yet these two formats differ in various ways. A behaviorist lesson plan format is created with eight certain steps while a constructivist lesson plan has only six steps .I will be discussing a few of them. The first thing that starts off a behaviorist lesson plan is an objective. The objective is the main key to this lesson plan which basically explains what it is that the child would do and what it is that the child will know by the end of the lesson itself. On the other hand constructivist lesson plan format starts off with situation. With the situation section you are basically creating a section that leaves the lesson open for children to ask questions and to put forth their ideas. The next part on the behaviorist lesson plan is the anticipatory set. That part is used to gather the student’s attention. Which prepares the children for the next activity that the teacher has prepared, it’s like going in a sequence form. For example, you bake a loaf of bread for some children. When the bread is finished you take it out of the oven to let it cool. In the mean time while the bread is baking, you take the children in the bathroom to wash up. This is to prepare them for the freshly baked bread that is awaiting them. The next part of the constructivist lesson plan format is grouping. Grouping is done with grouping children and grouping materials. With grouping materials it goes back to the situation of answering the student’s questions. Input is the next section in the behaviorist format. With input, the teacher is inputting information into a child by using the daily activities in the classroom. This such as math, reading, vocabulary, etc. these are things that are helpful to the student’s. That tends to be a very good thing because children could use that hidden information later on down the line. Another part of the constructivist lesson plan is the bridge. A bridge can never be complete without the whole bridge. You can not cross a bridge that is halfway completed. That is exactly how it goes in the bridge section of a lesson plan. A teacher must meet a student half way with what the student knows. Like bringing the students halfway with what she wants them to know. In conclusion, either method of the lesson plans are a good approach to the goal that the teacher wants to reach.
Reflection One

A lesson plan is a detailed outline on what the teacher plans on teaching for that day or week. A lesson plan comes with many parts. One important part of the lesson plan is the learning objective. The learning objective is what the teacher expects the student to know by the time the lesson is over. There are many different types of lesson plans, such as constructivist, behaviorist and transpersonal. Each of these lesson plans have different purposes and are created to get certain kind of actions out of students. Lesson plans are designed to get some kind of student reaction, whether it is working in groups or working individually. Lesson plans can be created for different age groups, each having a main objective of what it is that the teacher would like to accomplish. Depending on the type of lesson plan and the age group, some lesson plans have a reflection section. The reflection section allows the teacher to reflect on the finished outcome. It allows a teacher to see if their learning objective had succeeded in the end. It also gives the teacher room to improve anything that may have altered the objective. A lesson plan lets a teacher become organized in the day’s events. When I was a daycare teacher, I had to create healthy and age appropriate lesson plans for toddlers. I had to make sure that the objective that I had planned for them was simple enough to bring good outcomes, so when it was time to do my reflections everything would come out fine. There were times when at the end of the lesson my objective hadn’t gotten through. Whenever that happened to me I would improve my lesson plan by keeping the same objective but switching up the activity. Maybe it was something that the children didn’t some how grasp so I would try it with something different. I would figure that maybe my concept wasn’t clear enough or maybe the children needed more time to gain control of the objective. As I moved on up in age groups I began to learn that it was then that your lesson plan had to really go in dept and become more in details as the children got older. With older children requires more response and participation. Lesson plans to me comes in different levels. Once a child masters a certain objective, teachers create lesson plans a little more difficult to challenge a child’s brain. Only testing them to see how far their cognitive skills go.