Thursday, July 1, 2010

We cannot but chuse to hear

We cannot but chuse not to here...yet all of this time we as people have been stuck in our own ignorance. Allowing ourselves to be blind sided by only with what we want to see. This terrible oil spill has been one of the most horrific events that has happened in The United States so far. For Mother Nature will soon be no more because we choose to take her for granted instead of praising her for the centuries of goodness that she has brought forth.Yet it takes a situation as this one for people to realize how precious nature and the lives of animals are. Now everybody wants to rush to the rescue. But what about before that...when animals were being caught up in fishing wire and the various hunk of trash that were being thrown into their homes. Or when trash would wash up onto the shores of beaches. No one cared then so why are they starting to take action now? Only because this time the horrific event(oil Spill)can't be missed.It saddens me because it shouldn't take a terrible event such as the oil spill or even the earthquake in haiti for people to come together to make the world a better place and to appreciate mother nature a little more.

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